
Today we had our much-anticipated follow up visit with the oncologist.  We were told to wait until he was fully healed from his last surgery.  It was a long road but eventually his wound healed and we were ready – or so we thought. 

Today’s visit was devastating. Heartbreaking. Impossible to accept.  Words that are difficult to type let alone hear or say.   

We have a year left with Jackie.

I wrote the above post moments after Jackie’s consultation.  Raw with emotion and waiting for his ultrasound results.  We had just received a lot of information and our minds were fried.  I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. 

Jack has an extremely aggressive form of cancer. The tumor removed 2 months ago has reappeared and spread to the local lymph node.  No treatment can provide him with great odds of surviving.  He may only have a 5% chance of beating it.  We were presented with options.  We were considering our next move. 

The results from the ultrasound were positive and negative. 
Positive: the cancer has not spread to his liver or spleen with no sign of inflamed lymph nodes.
Negative: There is a large abscess near his bladder, a souvenir from his surgery in February. 

The abscess is full of infection. If we don’t remove it, our window with Jackie shrinks to 6 months or less.  It could rupture tomorrow and we could lose him. 

Tomorrow Jackie goes into surgery for the 3rd time in 6 months.  The cancerous material and abscess will be removed.  With the positive results from the ultrasound and follow up treatment, we are optimistic we can keep Jackie healthy and happy for far longer than a year.  

Please send your positive thoughts our way. 

A day at the beach

This past Sunday we went to the beach. The weather wasn't great.  There were gusty winds, no sun and a chill but that couldn't keep our spirits down!  We had a great time!

Just us and the seagulls!

Daddy + Sunscreen = A mess
Maddy loved it! She played with her toys and watched the joggers pass by.  All was well until her little-sand-covered-fists rubbed her tired eyes.


 Happiness was restored after rinsing her face and she enjoyed dipping her toes in the ocean.  She delighted in the waves and gleefully bounced with anticipation each time the surf rolled in and out.  I think we may have a beach bum on our hands!

Bringing down the house

  • Being sick: miserable. 
  • Being sick with an infant to care for: wretched.  
  • Being sick with a sick infant: horrible.
  • Everyone in the house having a stomach bug: biblical.  

That is exactly what happened this past weekend in the Gibble household.  It started mildly with Maddy, progressed to me and then finally Tim. It hit all three of us differently but it seems to include: nausea, congestion, stomach pains, a high fever and body aches. I was sick Thursday night into Friday and I still feel rundown today (not to mention massively dehydrated as well). Perhaps it was the flu but it didn't quite feel like it. Whatever stomach virus it was, look out!

Madelyn Clara Gibble Arrives

This past November, Tim and I welcomed our beautiful baby girl.  My pregnancy was relatively *easy* with no major morning sickness,cravings or swelling.  My main complaint was back pain.  This problem still plagues me 4 months after the birth but seeing a chiropractor has helped.

Maternity Shoot - Dougherty Photo Designs
Madelyn started her journey on her due date but didn't arrive until the next day, November 10th.  Her arrival has changed everything, in the best way possible.

Madelyn Clara Gibble - November, 10th 2012 12:07PM

 With each day it becomes more and more difficult to remember life without her.

Newborn shoot with Jackie and Malibu - Dougherty Photo Designs
She is a bright light on a dreary day, an adorable smile on a rough morning and the center of our universe.  

We love her to pieces

So.... I'm a complete procrastinator when it comes to my blogs, however, I've decided it is once again time to dust off the keyboard and write.  I'm won't promise daily, weekly or even monthly updates but I can say that I will write when I'm inspired (and have the time).

Flashback - Wedding Venues

While looking at my traffic stats, I noticed a surge in wedding related searches that lead unsuspecting web surfers to my blog. Thinking back on my own wedding, I remembered how desperate I was to find "different" pictures of my venues.  Hopefully these added photos help out.


Nevin Chapel (circa 2009)

Franklin and Marshall College Lancaster PA

Old Main
Nevin Chapel - Franklin and Marshall College
Nevin Chapel - Franklin and Marshall College
Nevin Chapel - Franklin and Marshall College
Pews - Nevin Chapel - Franklin and Marshall College
Pipe Organ - Nevin Chapel - Franklin and Marshall College
Down the aisle - Nevin Chapel - Franklin and Marshall College


 Best Western Eden Resort Lancaster PA (circa 2009)

Head Table

Sweet heart table


Table Settings

Strawberry Addition

Stationed Buffet Reception

Reception Tables

Dinner Stations

Darkened Room During Slide Show